SOS numbers and useful links

Some SOS numbers and other useful links

Overview of all emergency numbers

Wikipedia list with phone numbers of international emergency helplines

European emergency number (agression, accidents…): 112

Helplines Belgium:


Or call number 106.

In case of suicidal tendency:

* Website preventiezelfdoding

* Website zelfmoord1813

Loss and death: website Vief

For kids and adolescents:




*Helpline violence, abuse and child abuse

*Child focus

*Chat for students: Teleblok

Website about drug abuse: DeSleutel

Websites about violence and crime:

*Professional helpline for questions about violence, abuse, and child abuse: 1712

*Amnesty International

Websites about health:

*Questions about pituitary diseases: Nederlandse Hypofyse Stichting

*Kom op Tegen Kanker

*MS Liga

*Diabetes Liga

*Rode Kruis

*Vlaams Instituut Gezond leven

*Overview health institutes (hospitals, psychiatry…)

*Information COVID-19

Help- and info line for anyone with questions about sexual orientation and gender: Lumi (Çavaria)

Online chat forum for people with manic depression, bipolar disorder or depression: Ups & Downs

Website BRUCC

Website about self-injury

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