Overview of all emergency numbers
Wikipedia list with phone numbers of international emergency helplines
European emergency number (agression, accidents…): 112
Helplines Belgium:
Or call number 106.
In case of suicidal tendency:
Loss and death: website Vief
For kids and adolescents:
*Helpline violence, abuse and child abuse
*Chat for students: Teleblok
Website about drug abuse: DeSleutel
Websites about violence and crime:
*Professional helpline for questions about violence, abuse, and child abuse: 1712
Websites about health:
*Questions about pituitary diseases: Nederlandse Hypofyse Stichting
*Vlaams Instituut Gezond leven
*Overview health institutes (hospitals, psychiatry…)
Help- and info line for anyone with questions about sexual orientation and gender: Lumi (Çavaria)
Online chat forum for people with manic depression, bipolar disorder or depression: Ups & Downs