Yoga and Mindful movement weekend 2025

These mindful movements and yoga weekends aim to increase mental flexibility in dealing with day-to-day stressful challenges and the current difficulties in our society. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on dealing with the people around you, increasing the quality of life and the lives of those around you.

Scientific research has shown that following a multi-day course has beneficial effects in dealing with stress and anxiety. For individuals who work in healthcare, education, social work, sports …participating can be extra helpful in working with for example with young people, the elderly… . Movement is very important in these times.


* During these weekends, you will learn to integrate the principles of MBSR into your daily life. We provide moments of silence, movement, meditation, yoga, giving feedback and sharing with each other.

* For everyone from the age of 16 years.

* In two languages: English and Dutch.

* The price: 300 euros+ accommodation.

* When? 28/02-02/03/2025 , each time from Friday evening (7 pm) to Sunday (11 am).

* The location is situated in a beautiful, peaceful and quiet area in nature, and will be communicated after enrollment.
Do you want to enroll or have any questions? Send an email to
yoga weekend belgium